People transform in many different ways. For example people who become Anorexic. People who suffer from Anorexia have an intense fear of gaining weight. They severley limit the amount of food they eat and become dangerously thin. Anorexia effects both the body and mind. It may start as dieting, but it gets out of control. All they think about is food weight and dieting all of the time. They have a distorted body image. To people around them they look way too thin, but when they look in the mirror they see a fat person.
In Metamorphisis, Gregor wakes up transformed into a cockroach. A cockroach symbolizes filth, and sneakyness. It seems to me that throughout Gregors life he has been sneaky and not very nice to people. Just focusing on his job which he doesnt even like. Anorexic people may have some simlilarity in relating with Gregor because he has transformed just as they have transformed. Gregor may have did things in his life for this to happen to him. As for the Anorexic people they do it to themselves everyday.