Monday, December 15, 2008

Comment Review Day 12.15.08

Today we're reviewing the entire book, but specifically the most recent posts that have no comments on them.

1) Read through all the posts that everyone has written. When you get to the bottom of this page, click the "older posts" link to read more.

2) Write at least FOUR THOUGHTFUL COMMENTS on four different blog posts. You do this by clicking the "_ comments" link at the end of a post. Then you write your thoughtful comment in the window that pops up. Here's what I mean by "thoughtful":

- a detailed response to an opinion you read (why you do or do not agree with the blogger)
- an interpretation of a quote that the blogger wrote down
- bringing up an event/theme/character from the book that a blogger forgot to mention and giving your two cents on why it's important
- giving your detailed opinion about an event/theme/character the blogger did mention, telling us why you think it's important (or maybe why you think it's not as important as something else)
- using one of the vocab words in a sentence that shows me you know what the word means (YOU MAY ONLY DO THIS FOR ONE OF YOUR COMMENTS)

3) Add your initials to the bottom of your comment so I know it was you who wrote it (don't use your name though for safety reasons!)

4) After each comment you write, click "Anonymous," then click "Publish Your Comment"

If you want to discuss the ending of the book (Dracula's demise), write comments here!

Test tomorrow!