Monday, May 16, 2011

The story of the Iliad is a wounderous story of two cities that was in contention over many different reasons such as Eris wasn't invited to a wedding so she snuck in Thetis and Peleus wedding and brought a golden apple. Creating an uprise in the wedding about the apple making everyone contraversal about the subject creating problems within the Wedding after the wedding the trojans and geeks contienuously kept the confrontation going making it bigger than what it really is.

In this story their are many different characters such as Apollo he is variously the god of light and sun, truth and prophecy medicine, healing, the pleague, music, poetry, art and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto and has a twin sister and Artemis. Apollo also has a nickname which is phoebus In the story the Iliad Apollo play a big role in creating more confrontation by steping in the confict when a trojan preist daughter was abducted by a greek by sending a bow of pleague apon the city. He also intervened when Hector and Achillies were solving their conflict with violence by Choosing sides with Achillies and help him slay Hector. In the end Apollo does the right thing by protecting hectors body as Achillies rides through the city of Troy haleing Hectors body from him charriot.

Priam the king of Troy and the father of Hector and 50 other children was threatened by Achillies when he brought Hectors body back to Troy. Achillies forced Priam to give him a Ransom for Hectors body. When Priam realized that achillies was not fully human but half God he gave Achillies the ransom.

Achillies isn't just a normal human he's half god and half human because mortal named King Peleus had intercourse with goddess named thetis. Once Achillies Found out that he was half and half he felt as he was greater than other but achillies isn't the most inconciderate person ever because the war that he's in he's fighting for his wife. The reason Achillies had killed Hector was because he had killed Achilles best friend patroclius without reasonable doubt so Achilles kills Hector gruesomly then ties hectors body to his charriot and haled Hectors body around the city of Troy.