Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dracula Vocab 3 (of 4)

Here's the third set of 5 vocab words for Dracula. You may leave a comment here using the word correctly in a sentence for either extra credit or toward your 3rd blogging assignment grade.

Corporeal = physical material/body

"I suppose now you do not believe in corporeal transference." (p. 200)

Laconically = untalkative

"'Me too,' said Quincey Morris laconically." (p. 215)

Pallor = to be pale; deficiency of color

"He grew to a positively deathly pallor as he said..." (p. 234)

Unfettered = free or unchained

"In fact, so far as our power extend, they are unfettered." (p. 252)

Suffusion = to be overspread of covered (in medical terms, hemhorraged)

"The rapidity of the suffusion shows the terrible nature of this injury." (p. 292)