Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dracula Vocab 4 (of 4)

Here's the last set of 5 vocab words for Dracula. You may leave a comment here using the word correctly in a sentence for either extra credit or toward a blogging assignment grade.

Aquiline = hooked; shaped like an eagle's beak

"...the great nostrils of the white aquiline nose opened wide and quivered at the edge." (p. 298)

Exigency = urgency; a case or situation that demands prompt action or remedy

"...I was rejoiced to see that the exigency of affairs was helping her to forget for a time the terrible experience of the night." (p. 311)

Sinuous = having many curves, bends, or turns

"The next instant, with a sinuous dive he swept under Harker's arm..." (p. 324)

Polyglot = able to speak or writer many languages; multi-lingual

"The captain swear again, polyglot, and the thin man make him bow, and thank him..." (p. 336)

Cumbrous = burdensome; troublesome

"...I must, in my cumbrous old fashion, so that each day of us may not go unrecorded." (p. 384)