Monday, February 9, 2009


Q: Why is the main character able to think independently? Can others also think this way?
A: I think the main character is able to think independently because of his memory. Because of things he remembers he knows that when BB says it never happened he clearly knows it did. I think his memory and boredom with the life if 1984 is what is keeping him from being brainwashed. I beileve the others could think independently to..But they probably try their hardest not to because of the "thought police"

Q: Who & how do the thought police exist?
A: The thought police only exist in the mind. The mind weakened from lies and a life time of brainwasing since childhood. They can't really exist, they were just made up to frighten people.

Vaporized. I'm still a little confused on what they actually do when they vaporize someone in Oceania..?