Monday, October 19, 2009

Oedipus Vocab

For your comments points, post a comment to this blog post correctly using one of the vocab words from Oedipus below in a sentence of your own about the plot and/or characters of the play. Do not use the same sentence (or idea for a sentence) already posted by a classmate! Be sure to include your initials!

Despondent (p. 262) = sad or depressed

Mantic (p. 275) = prophetic; able to tell the future

Revile (p. 276) = to abuse verbally; criticize harshly

Gall (p. 285) = rude boldness

Marauding (p. 285) = roaming in search of treasure/money

Sanctimonius (p. 286) = being hypocritically religious or pious

Clairvoyant (p. 288) = person who can see the future

Concessions (p. 289) = favors

Spurned (p. 296) = rejected

Surmise (p. 288) = a conclusion based on little evidence; a guess