Wednesday, April 13, 2011

When I Change

“What’s happened to me”, he thought. When people transform they aren’t aware of what’s going on or why. They’ve come so far in their transformation already that they only realize it when its in full effect. I think the time in my life where i realized i changed drastically. Is when i started to care about school and actually work hard. I didnt realize when i was changing i just knew it when i did.
Gregor becoming a cockroach means that he treated himself like crap and thats what he's worth. Not only did he himself treat him like crap but so did his family. They over worked him and under appreciated him. and he let it happen
I think my real life transformation was for the better. But Gregors was not. His transformation was to get him to realize that the people he loves the most are taking advantage of him. And they're treating him like a bug.