Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Act 2, Scene 3, Iago

"Not I, for this far island.
I do love Cassio well and would do much
To cure him of this evil-" pg. 91
This quote gives us some insight into Iago's whole personality. He makes it like there is something wrong with Cassio. It kind of seems like he is saying Cassio is the bad person. The line shows Iago's manipulative personality.
It also is connected to what people will do for power. Iago lies to his best friend, Othello, and many other characters in the book. He wants to take everyone down just to get to the top. Power can change a person and turn them into something evil
Enfettered: enslaved.
Do you think sooner or later Iago's hunger for power will get him in trouble? explain
Who do you think Iago is more jealous of Cassio or Othello and why?