Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Act 4, Scene 2, Desdemona

"No, as I am a Christian!
If to preserve this vessel for my lord
From any other foul unlawful touch
Be not to be a strumpet, I am none." p9 199.

Desdemona is talking about her purity. She says she has "preserved" her body only for Othello. In other words she is saying that she is not cheating and that any other touch from a man is not worth it.


Desdemona has so much loyalty to Othello. It has been argued in our class that she is just with him because he has a higher rank and that she would drop him for Cassio. I disagree. Her loyalty is out of love not because she is scared of death. She can't be that scared if she would stick by his side when she sees how angry he is.

Vessel: body

Do you think Desdemona is loyal to Othello out of love or something else? Explain

How did Othello react to this quote and why did he react that way?