Wednesday, April 29, 2009

" Act 4, Scene 1, Iago"

  • "No, let me know, And knowing what I am, I know what she shall be." (p. 177)
  • Iago is munipalated Othello by telling him that he knows that his wife is a fornicater. Even though she might not be, but thats what Othello going to believe because it's coming from his right hand man. Othello thinks Iago know everything.
  • This quote can be connected to "intelligence." Iago intelligence is good because he know how to munipalate people and get to their minds by having them believe him. On the other hand, its kind of bad because he is messing up someone's marriage telling lies and he can possibly get someone killed.
  • Encave: hide
  • If you had a friend like Iago, will you trust him? Explain why or why not. What do you think will happen to Iago in scene 5?