Monday, November 23, 2009

Damsel in Distress

Brahm Stoker perverted...? I think yes.
Back then or in and around the same time period sex was more hidden and less talked about then it is now. But reading the book themes of sex are all in the text juz written in between the lines. Blood transfusions.. or just another way for stoker to have his way with the women in the story, helpless taking advantage getting into them.. need i say more.
"we took Lucy into another room, which had by now been prepared, laid her in bed and forced brandy down her throat."
or maybe the fact that all the maids are drugged and confused passed out.. or maybe the details of lucy and her breast and the fact that the doctors feel up on her while they are with her and feeling her to grab the note hidden in between her breast. so yes i think stoker was able to show his pervertedness in his writing.