Tuesday, November 10, 2009

rising of the dead

In legand vampires are evil creatures that at one time were human but died and came back to life. my main topic is rising of the dead and i couldnt find to much info on it but vampires rise from the grave and feed at night. when they feed it some how makes them youthful so in other words they rise from the dead to feed to stay undead so vampires are like a hell version of a human being and are manly unrested dead people who might not of got a proper burial or some how became one by getting bitten.

Rising of the dead makes you think of vampires or zombies mostly vampires the legand of them went from being very very scary to being kind of a cool thing in some areas. i guess if you get bitten by a vampire you become one of them and get super strength and some other crazy powers the only bad thing is that you have to rest in a coffin all day "the leither wagons contained great square boxes, with handles of thick rope" page 46 because there skin is super light sensative and at night you would have to go hunting for humans to drink there blood so it would pretty much suck to be a vampire it seems all they do is sleep and hunt.

are vampires real?
and is it really possible to rise from the grave after death?