Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dracula Blog Post #2: Sex

For your second blog post grade on Dracula, make sure you do the following to receive full credit...

-Title your post something clever but appropriate to the events from the pages you're assigned

-Find a connection between the events of your pages and the theme of Sex (consider what we've talked about in class regarding fangs, blood transfusions, vampires, marriage, old vs. new, and more) and make a brief one paragraph argument answering one of the following questions WITH A QUOTE FROM YOUR PAGES (and page number):

1) Was Bram Stoker a pervert? Why or why not?
2) Why are vampires the only "sexy" monster?
3) What does the theme of Sex in your pages have to do with the theme of Modernity vs. Antiquity? How did people view sex during the late 1800s?

-Leave TWO comments on your classmates' blog posts about the topic of Vampires and/or on the Vocab 1 post

-If you have time left, complete your Vampires blog post from last week!

-Don't forget to put your initials at the bottom of both your post and comments!