Monday, November 23, 2009

Three Way Sex

I think Bram Stoker was in some wierd way was a preveted guy.If you pay really close attention you can get the idea of the way people think that he was a preverted man. There was a seen were Dr. Seward, Arthur,and Dr. Van Helsing all three banged lucy in " The vampire way of having sex" by the transfusion of blood. Which arthur said that that made him and lucy become more closer, and that's what made them husband and wife.

Well i think that the vampires are the only sexy's monster because there are in some way human or have all the charatistic that a human does. Back in the day's vampire were dress old fashion but some how they still look sexy. And now these day the vampires are really actractive they dress really,really sexy especially the girls. They would actually go by been a real human you would be surprise how they look Now!