Monday, November 9, 2009

Dracula Blog Post #1: Vampires

For your first blog post on Dracula, begin by researching your topic chosen from the "Vampire Secrets" video. Once you read a bit about your subject, compose a blog post including the following components...

-A creative yet appropriate title that references your topic.

-A brief explanation of/introduction to your topic as determined by watching "Vampire Secrets" and conducting additional online research.

-In this explanation/intro, include a link to an online source where information was gathered.

-Connect your topic to what we have learned thus far about vampires and/or Count Dracula in Dracula. What may have inspired Bram Stoker? What difference is there between vampires circa 1897 and vampires today?

-In your thoughts connecting your topic to Dracula, be sure to include a quote from the novel (with page number) when referencing a particular scene, character, or description.

-Pose two appropriate open-ended questions to your classmates at the end of your post. Think about your topic: What do we have yet to learn about vampires/Dracula? What other connections are there to make with your topic besides just this novel?

Don't forget to include your initials in the 'Labels' section of your post!