Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dracula Vocab 2 (of 4)

Here's the second set of 5 vocab words for Dracula. You may leave a comment here using the word correctly in a sentence for either extra credit or toward your 2nd blogging assignment grade.

Paroxysm = a sudden sharp attack

"I never saw a lunatic in such a paroxysm of rage before." (p. 108)

Arrears = an unpaid and overdue debt, or an unfulfilled obligation

"My own work, with its manifold arrears, took me all day to clear off..." (p. 133)

Prostrate = face downward, lying horizontally

"...keeping a wary eye on the prostrate figure all the time." (p. 149)

Subcutaneous = under the skin

"...the action made a subcutaneous injection of morphia..." (p. 157)

Obsequious = too humble, showing too much respect

"...the urbane undertaker proved that his staff were afflicted...with something of his own obsequious suavity." (p. 171)